Freezes and Thaws: How to Protect Your Home from Spring Melts

The coming of spring is always exciting—the birds come back, trees start to regain their leaves, and all that ice starts to melt away. Unfortunately, ice melt isn’t always a good thing. If you don’t make a point of protecting your home from damage, then ice melt could exacerbate some of the stress that your water lines and plumbing pipes came under during the coldest months of the year. Spring rains also contribute to the amount of hydrostatic pressure your home must endure on a regular basis.

Protecting Your Home This Spring

The combination of ice melt and rain can spell trouble for an unprepared home, which means it’s to your benefit to work with area professionals to check on your water lines, sewer lines, and other plumbing fixtures.

When you’re hoping to keep your pipes from freezing, here are a few things you can do:

  • Install Pipe Insulation: Pipe insulation is one of the most effective ways to avoid frozen pipes. Talk to a local plumber to see which of your pipes may be most suited to pipe insulation installation.
  • Seal All Openings: Whether it’s cracks in the walls or a loose crawl space door, there are many potential openings for cold air to seep through. Make sure you seal them all completely.
  • Let Faucets Drip: On particularly cold days, you may want to turn all your faucets on just a bit. The smallest amount of water dripping through your faucets could make sure that water doesn’t freeze.
  • Keep Heat Steady: Even though you might save a bit of money on your heating bills by turning the thermostat way down when you leave, you could also be condemning your pipes to freezing. Keep the heat steady to avoid issues with expanding and contracting pipes.
  • Encourage Internal Air Circulation: Keep internal doors open and open your cabinets every so often to encourage airflow. That way, you’ll avoid having cold and warm spots in your home that could negatively impact your pipes.

Install Extra Water-Resistant Measures Before the Spring Thaw

It is never a bad idea to invest in measures to keep water away from your home. Come spring thaws, you’ll want these measures doing their good work around your home. These measures come in a variety of forms and work to protect your home through different means. For example, some measures, like wall support systems or concrete sealants, can help eliminate some of the stress that your basement, crawl space, and foundation may endure as temperatures rise and fall with spring fluctuations.

Options available from local contractors, like interior drains and sump pumps, may be able to redirect any floodwaters or seepage that try to make its way into your home.

When it comes to choosing the water-resistant measure that’s best for your home, don’t feel overwhelmed by your options. Instead, rely on the professionals in your area for help. These parties have installed all manner of home water redirection measures throughout Virginia, and they’ll be able to help you identify which may best help you protect your home.

Contact Certified Technicians for Winter and Spring Repairs

Spring is on its way. Is your home prepared? If you’re concerned that your home may have taken on damage over the winter, rest easy knowing that you don’t have to take on that damage alone. Instead, you can reach out to the professional contractors serving the Hampton area. These technicians can inspect your home with you, identifying any signs of damage you may have missed or that might otherwise be causing problems for your water lines.

You can even work with these technicians to ensure your home’s protected from the worst of the coming winter’s weather. After an initial inspection and consultation, you can look over a repair quote detailing what repairs and water resistance measures might suit your home best.

A 1 Sewer & Drain Plumbing & Heating, Plumber, Virginia Beach, VA