Our plumbers in Norfolk have provided the following helpful hints to keep your drains and faucets running efficiently.
Showerhead & Faucets
If you have a white substance caked around your showerhead, water faucets, or aerators where the water comes out, you are seeing mineral deposit. To get rid of the deposits on the shower head, simply pour a cup of vinegar in a plastic bag, tie it around the showerhead, and leave it on overnight. When morning comes, you should be able to scrub the substance off using a toothbrush. If you can take the aerators off the faucets, you can soak them in vinegar and clean them the same as the showerhead. Applying vinegar around the water faucets overnight will also allow you to scrub off the deposits in the morning.
Kitchen Drain
If your kitchen drain is taking longer than usual to drain out fluid, we recommend calling one of our plumbers in Norfolk. While you could “Do It Yourself”, many folks end up damaging the pipes more than helping them. We have the products and tools capable of removing drain buildup like hair, soap scum, and grease.
Plumbing System
If you hear a whistling coming from your plumbing system now and then, but can’t find the source, it is more than likely caused by a leaking toilet fill valve. To combat this, simply remove the lid of each toilet in your home or building, and adjust the fill valve mechanism until it returns to normal. Once you locate the toilet with the issue, have the valve repaired or replaced.
If you have a drain or faucet problem, please call us at (757) 467-0000 or click here to email us. Let us show you why our customers call us the best plumbers in Norfolk.
More about our plumbers in Norfolk
Since 1987, A-1 Sewer & Drain Plumbing & Heating has consistently served the commercial and home plumbing needs of satisfied customers in Hampton Roads. With nearly 30 years of work to our credit, our Norfolk plumbing company is extremely proud of its A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau. Our Class A Contractor plumbing company and its plumbers in Norfolk have more than 260 years of combined plumbing, drain, and water heater replacement experience, which means we’ve seen it all – the good, the bad and the ugly – and we will solve your plumbing problem with integrity and professionalism.