Our plumbers in Virginia Beach and throughout Hampton Roads deal with home and commercial water heater problems on a daily basis. Following are some of the most frequent issues folks in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Tabb, Grafton, Smithfield, and James City County have with their water heaters.
Water heater noises
Over time, sediment builds up in a water heater and prevents heat transfer in the water tank. To remedy this, you can try draining a few gallons of water from the bottom of the tank using a drain hose that’s attached to the bottom valve. Keep the water draining for approximately five minutes.
Warning: Make sure you exercise caution when dealing with hot water. Only drain water into a laundry tub, bathtub, or floor drain to prevent physical harm. Damage will result if instructions are not heeded. Never discharge the water onto grass or into the toilet.
If your water heater is newer, there should be a built-in component that prevents the buildup of sediment.
In some cases, you may need to replace the entire water heater, which our plumbers in Virginia Beach and throughout Hampton Roads can do in less than a day at a very good price.
Hot water is too hot
The normal setting for a water heater is 120 degrees F, but the ideal temperature varies from person to person in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Tabb, Grafton, Smithfield, James City County and throughout Hampton Roads.
If your thermostat is an older model, the temperature is most likely set at medium. If you have a gas model, there should be a valve on the front that controls the setting. On electric models, you’ll find the thermostat(s) behind the panels located on the side of the tank.
Warning: Always remember to shut off the electricity prior to removing the panels. The wires located behind the panels contain high voltage.
Not enough hot water
If you run out of hot water after a five minute shower, there are several things that could be causing this lifestyle headache.
Your dip tube may have broken off. The dip tube is responsible for forcing incoming water to enter the bottom of the tank so the hot water can be taken from the top. If the dip tube is not functioning correctly, the cold water will mix with the hot water and cause problems. This is the case with both electric and gas models.
If you have an electric water heater, it’s possible that your lower element is not working. The lower element heats water on the bottom half of the tank, and if it’s not working, only the top will stay warm.
If you have a water heater problem, please call our plumbing company at (757) 467-0000 or click here to email us.
More about our plumbers in Virginia Beach & Hampton Roads
Since 1987, A-1 Sewer & Drain Plumbing & Heating has consistently served the commercial and home plumbing needs of satisfied customers in Hampton Roads. With nearly 30 years of work to our credit, our plumbing company is extremely proud of its A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau. Our Class A Contractor plumbing company and it plumbers in Virginia Beach and throughout Hampton Roads have more than 260 years of combined plumbing and drain experience, which means we’ve seen it all – the good, the bad and the ugly – and will solve your plumbing problem with integrity and professionalism.
Service Area
Our plumbers in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Tabb, Grafton, Smithfield, James City County, and throughout Hampton Roads serve home owners and commercial businesses.